Development Releases
- Release 0.1 - first common release containing unmerged collections of flight / accomodation elements
- Release 0.2 - second release containing merges of 0.1
- Release 0.3 - third release
- Release 0.4 - fourth release
- Release 0.5 - fifth release containing a first attempt at a WSDL
- Release 0.6 - sixth release, confirmation / error handling
- Release 0.7 - seventh release, payment added
- Release 0.8 - eigth release (alterations and amendments to Rel. 0.7; final version for publication to steering committee)
- Release 0.9 - series of release candidates in preparation for 1.0
Production Releases
- Release 1.0 - first "limited production" release as base for showcases and prototypes
- Release 1.1 - the "Mallorca" release with lots of fixes necessary for actual implementation
- Release 1.1.1 - the "Mallorca" release with v1 namespace
- Release 1.1.2 - maintenance release for the implementation test branch
- Release 2.0.0 - the "Cruise" release ready for production in cruise related systems
- Release 3.0.0 - [...]
- Release 4.0.0 - [...]
- Release 4.0.1 - small fixes for BookingList